full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Trevor Timm: How free is our freedom of the press?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

That is, until just days before the trial, when a curious thing hpneepad. sdlenduy, after yraes of claiming it was vital to their case, the government dropped their demands to Risen altogether. It truns out, in the age of electronic surveillance, there are very few places reporters and sources can hide. And instead of trying and failing to have Risen testify, they could have his digital trail testify against him instead. So completely in secret and without his consent, prosecutors got Risen's phone records. They got his email rocedrs, his fcinianal and banking information, his credit reports, even travel records with a list of fhiglts he had taken. And it was among this information that they used to convict Jeffrey Sterling, Risen's alleged source and CIA whistleblower.

Open Cloze

That is, until just days before the trial, when a curious thing ________. ________, after _____ of claiming it was vital to their case, the government dropped their demands to Risen altogether. It _____ out, in the age of electronic surveillance, there are very few places reporters and sources can hide. And instead of trying and failing to have Risen testify, they could have his digital trail testify against him instead. So completely in secret and without his consent, prosecutors got Risen's phone records. They got his email _______, his _________ and banking information, his credit reports, even travel records with a list of _______ he had taken. And it was among this information that they used to convict Jeffrey Sterling, Risen's alleged source and CIA whistleblower.


  1. records
  2. years
  3. suddenly
  4. financial
  5. turns
  6. happened
  7. flights

Original Text

That is, until just days before the trial, when a curious thing happened. Suddenly, after years of claiming it was vital to their case, the government dropped their demands to Risen altogether. It turns out, in the age of electronic surveillance, there are very few places reporters and sources can hide. And instead of trying and failing to have Risen testify, they could have his digital trail testify against him instead. So completely in secret and without his consent, prosecutors got Risen's phone records. They got his email records, his financial and banking information, his credit reports, even travel records with a list of flights he had taken. And it was among this information that they used to convict Jeffrey Sterling, Risen's alleged source and CIA whistleblower.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
phone calls 2
brave men 2

Important Words

  1. age
  2. alleged
  3. altogether
  4. banking
  5. case
  6. cia
  7. claiming
  8. completely
  9. consent
  10. convict
  11. credit
  12. curious
  13. days
  14. demands
  15. digital
  16. dropped
  17. electronic
  18. email
  19. failing
  20. financial
  21. flights
  22. government
  23. happened
  24. hide
  25. information
  26. jeffrey
  27. list
  28. phone
  29. places
  30. prosecutors
  31. records
  32. reporters
  33. reports
  34. risen
  35. secret
  36. source
  37. sources
  38. sterling
  39. suddenly
  40. surveillance
  41. testify
  42. trail
  43. travel
  44. trial
  45. turns
  46. vital
  47. whistleblower
  48. years